Woodstock IT COVID-19 Update

IT Support Specialists

With everything in the world being so uncertain at the moment with Covid-19, especially for businesses, we wanted to reassure our customers that we are still open and operational, ready to help them run their businesses as easily as possible remotely.

We have put a number of measures in place, following the strict government guidelines, to ensure our customers and any other businesses that may need help are perfectly placed to keep their business running as smoothly as possible.

Discover exactly what we are doing as a business to help you, and please get in touch with our team on 01403 290 321 if you have any questions or require any assistance. We are extremely happy to help.

NHS Employees Covid-19 Effort

The NHS are doing an incredible job looking after our country during this unsettling time and we would like to thank them for all of their hard work and do whatever we can to help them.

If you are an NHS employee, we have a range of discounts on hardware and software. Please contact our team if you need anything to aid you during this time and we will do all we can to get you set up.

Checking on the vulnerable

Most of our team is working remotely, and we are encouraging them to regularly check on their loved ones, neighbours and those who are vulnerable around them and help them out as much as possible (whilst being safe and practising social distancing rules).

Woodstock IT help desk

Our help desk staff are working as usual despite Covid-19. We’re giving priority support to all of our monthly service plan clients, to ensure they have everything they need and all of their systems are working correctly whilst working from home.

We are getting back to all other clients and enquiries as quickly as we possibly can. During these unprecedented times we are taking every possible precaution and have had a massive uptake in the number of businesses that need our services.

Please bear with us during this time, we will get back to you ASAP and want to help you keep your business online.


We’re still able to offer repairs to any customers that need them. Our workshop is running as usual, and we are thoroughly cleaning everything regularly to ensure the health and safety of our staff and customers.

If you have any computer hardware that needs repairing, this is strictly by appointment only, so please give our team a call on 01403 290 321 and don’t just arrive at our offices. No visitors are allowed in our building during this time, so we have installed a new drop off and collection area externally to ensure safety.

All we ask is that you ensure your computers are thoroughly cleaned before they are brought to our repairs team.

Please note: we are extremely busy due to Covid-19, so turnaround times will be much longer than usual.

Drop off and collection

If you are isolated and need a PC picking up or dropping off, we have allocated specific times for our team to collect or drop off your computer back to you. The times are:

      • 8:00am-9:00am
      • 4:00pm-5:00pm

These times are specifically for those who have made prior arrangements with us.

Please note: there is limited availability but we will do our best to help you, however we will not be able to enter your property.

Refurbished laptops

We understand that not everyone will be 100% setup for home working, so we have been working hard to get more refurbished computer stock available for businesses to use.

We have a limited number of refurbished business grade laptops available to pre-order at the moment. All have been thoroughly checked and tested and have the latest software installed.

Please email support@woodstockit.co.uk for full specs and to register your interest.

Get in touch

If your business needs anything during this time, please get in touch with our team, we’d be happy to help you.

Thank you all for your continued support – stay safe. We will get through this together.

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