Category: Security

Reporting phishing attacks

Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all?

Getting your team to report security issues quickly is something that’s important for your business… but maybe something that might not have crossed your mind before. You might think that with so many security tech tools, you’re covered. But guess what? Your employees are your first line of defence, and they’re irreplaceable when it comes […]

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Cyber investment

More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defences

More and more businesses are making the smart decision to be proactive and invest in their cyber security defences. This is fantastic news, especially since stats show that about half of small and medium-sized businesses still have no cyber security measures at all. If your business falls into that category, it’s time to change. Cyber […]

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Malware risk

What is malware? You’re at greater risk of it than ever before – stay protected

Malware attacks are bad news for businesses. Unfortunately, these cyber threats are hitting small and medium-sized businesses harder now than ever before. As a result, it’s essential to understand malware and how to protect your organisation. At Woodstock IT, we offer businesses a range of defence options against malicious software attacks and can provide a […]

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Phishing awards

Is Your Business At Risk From Common Email Phishing Scams? Top Tips To Avoid Attacks

Today’s digital world means that all businesses need to be aware of potential cyber-attacks and which scams you and your employees are most at risk from online. This knowledge is essential to protect business data, including login credentials and banking information, from being compromised. At Woodstock IT, we’ve helped many businesses improve their cyber security […]

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Hooded cyber criminal sitting at his laptop.

Protect Your Business from Hackers and Botnets: Cybersecurity Tips for SMBs

As a managed IT services provider, we know that cyberattacks are on the rise, and no business is too small to be a target. Recent reports reveal that hackers are utilising botnets – armies of compromised devices – to carry out widescale attacks on businesses of all sizes. No organisation can afford to ignore cybersecurity […]

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Trusting staff with IT security

A Third of Business Owners Don’t Trust Their Staff With IT Security

In small and medium businesses, trust in employees, especially regarding IT security, is crucial for growth and reputation. Alarmingly, a third of business owners don’t trust their staff with IT security, indicating a serious issue with handling sensitive data. This mistrust stems from frequent security breaches and data leaks due to employee errors, often caused […]

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